Friday, 4 December 2015

Pre-Production Unit: Research - Marketing Grit

One aspect of the Pre-Production book will be the marketing: this includes any posters, teasers, trailers and any other promotional material for Grit.

Our target audience will be 18-35 year olds, predominantly male based on the mostly-male cast. I based this factor on some statistics I found that showed the percentages of the UK cinema audience based on age groups.

Going by this 25% of all men who attended the cinema were aged between 15 and 34 and 20% of women were too.

The age rating for Grit will be '18'. This is based on the guidelines set by the BBFC for this age category:

Grit contains no sexual activity or nudity as well as no drug taking. The main problem would be the language used. The '15' category does allow for "Frequent strong language" but not in an aggressive manner, which does occur in the film.

A look at the '15' guidelines are much stricter on the topic:

Before myself and Mike, who will be working on the book with me, began: we needed a slogan: something that would help set the tone of the film in a single line. 

- Lose Yourself

I like this as it's a sneaky hint towards the world not being real and suggests that Sean has lost himself; since he's imagining Perry's disappearance and is therefore 'acting out' everyone else.

This will be our official slogan but there may be 2 or 3 unique strap lines for specific posters and other materials.

Below is a list of all the ideas we've had for the marketing.

1. Poster: Missing poster of Perry. Nothing else except slogan and film's title.

2. Poster: 4 missing posters on a wall. One for each Sean, Perry, Zoe and Archie.

3. Teaser: Shot from behind Sean as he puts up a missing poster of Perry. Single frame splice of Sean now on the poster instead.

4. Poster: a face divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter is of one of the 4 protagonists: Sean, Perry, Zoe and Archie.

These are some ideas I had for the previous version of Grit. The one's underlined are considerations for the new version.

1. Sean, Zoe and Vision are in a room and there’s a mirror in the background: only the MC’s reflection can be seen: hinting at the others not being real.

2. Sean looking a dressing table mirror, each of the 3 mirrors shows one of the other characters (Zoe, Perry and Vision.

3.  Word Grit in the centre of the page. On the left is one half of Vision's face. The other side is one half of Sean's face. So the poster cuts half their faces off.

4. Bird's eye view of a small table: on it is the word 'Grit' spelt out in powdered drugs. Next to it is a gun and a credit card with the name removed.

5. MCU of Sean. However the image is made up of lots of words related to the film. 

6. The name of the film on a white sheet. The R is replaced with a gun and the T is made of two lines of cocaine.

7. The word 'Grit' is in a large font covering the width of the page. Behind each letter are one of the protagonists: Sean behind G, Zoe - R, Vision - I and Perry T.

I like the ideas we currently have and am open to more suggestions or changes to the current ideas.

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